A Fun Way to Practice Math Facts during the Break!
We know how important it is for students to keep up their math facts, even during long weekends and holiday breaks. So, we would like to provide a free resource you can use to encourage your students to practice math facts during the upcoming break. To that end, we have created fun, winter-themed Bingo cards. These cards will foster opportunities for your students to engage with their family and friends through fun – and maybe a little silly – activities.
You can choose from two styles: full-colored cards or reduced-colored cards. Choose the style that best meets your printing needs. There are six different card arrangements for each style.
Ideas to Encourage Participation
You can encourage student participation by having a contest to see how many of your students can complete a row, column, or even the entire Winter Bingo cards! Break the class into teams to see which team wins and reward them with a special prize or celebration upon their return to school after the break.
Give your students a list of games to choose from to ensure they practice the facts they need. Or you can open it up to student preferences, letting them choose any game they want to play. If you would like a list of games that might be grade-level or skill-appropriate, feel free to contact us! We want to help you ensure that your students continue learning while they enjoy practicing math facts by playing card games.
Also, remember that we have all the game instructions available through a subscription to Vimeo. Check this link out for more information about the video game instructions.
From all of us at RightStart Math,
We hope you have a restful and happy winter holiday break!
Teresa, Rachel, Maren, Kathleen