RightStart Math provides a variety of curriculum-based intervention programs. These programs are organized and structured to teach math intervention strategies using a hands-on approach, making abstract math concepts understandable, to ensure excellent learning outcomes.
These tutoring programs focus on specific mathematical skill sets. Because of their concise structure, these programs work well in an MTSS, RTI, resource room, or one-on-one instruction environment.
Number Sense (Addition and Subtraction)
The RightStart Tutoring Number Sense program helps students understand numbers and the quantities they represent. What’s more, Number sense provides order to math and provides a strong foundation needed for future math learning.
The program teaches basic addition and subtraction and four-digit addition and subtraction, using the Cotter Abacus, focusing on math intervention strategies and visualization. This tutoring manual is intended for those who have a weak, incomplete, or non-existent understanding of number sense. Engaging math games, rather than worksheets, provide practice and review. Sample lessons are available here.
Multiplication and Division
Multiplication and Division Tutoring Book One
RightStart Tutoring Multiplication and Division Book One provides math intervention strategies ensuring confidence in basic multiplication and division math facts. Students with a limited understanding of basic multiplication and division ideas, who struggle with multiplication and division math facts, and who are performing below standards will benefit from this program.
This tutoring program teaches multiplication from 1 × 1 to 10 × 10, including division with remainders using the Cotter Abacus. These lessons will approach multiplication and division with a new perspective that follows the RightStart Mathematics approach and philosophy. No worksheets are used with this book. Instead, students will play math games to practice and review multiplication and division facts. Sample lessons are available here.
Multiplication and Division Tutoring Book One
This RightStart™ Tutoring Multiplication and Division Book Two helps students understand multi-digit multiplication, short division, and long division processes. Therefore, students who have a weak or incomplete grasp of multi-digit multiplication and division, and are two or more grade levels behind will benefit from this program.
This tutoring program will teach various approaches to learn how to solve multiplication and division problems. The Cotter Abacus shows students how and why the traditional algorithms work. When students have a deep understanding, math anxiety is removed, the burden of memorization is lessened, advanced math ideas can be grasped, and math becomes more enjoyable.
These lessons will approach multi-digit multiplication and division with a new perspective that follows the RightStart Mathematics approach and philosophy. Sample lessons are available here.
The RightStart Tutoring Fractions program is about understanding fractions from the basic unit fraction to multiplying and dividing fractions. Students who have an insufficient understanding of fractions will benefit from this tutoring program.
This tutoring program uses math intervention strategies to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, as well as to provide a solid introduction to percentages, using the linear perspective and math card games for review and practice. Sample lessons are available here.
Placement Test
RightStart Tutoring is an excellent option for the student who is delayed in their learning. If you are unsure of where to place the student, you can download and administer the placement test.
We recognize that each student is individual and unique. Therefore, if you would like to review a student’s placement results or to discuss a specific situation, complete our Contact Us form or call 888.272.3291.
Tutoring Errata
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